Best Practices For A Powerful Professional Network: Part 6


Who of us wants to watch a football game where everyone stands on the sidelines? Or a baseball game where the players never leave the dugout. Your network offers a similar arena where value comes from active participation. Get in the game. Step onto the field. Show colleagues that you’re a valuable connection and a willing contributor to the collective knowledge of the network. When we all share we all win!

Ross Dawson, author of Living Networks reminds us that “Your network exists for sharing and support.”  So, share openly. Yes, we all need to protect the important intellectual property in our organizations, but you can still start with an open mind. Sharing the good stuff will spread success and earn respect from colleagues who are in a position to help you. It’s how you build trust and the equity that makes your network truly valuable. 

Connect your contacts, and share your connections with people you trust. You’re in a great position to know where there are synergies, and can add value to the friends and colleagues in your network. Whether in response to a request or as a proactive introduction, be willing to search your network of contacts for possibilities. Most people love getting personal introductions and being introduced as someone who can be a valuable, trusted connection. It’s not a nuisance. It shows that you respect their knowledge and recognize their value. 

Collaborate through a crisis. During the most difficult times you’ll find you can lean heavily on your professional network. When a crisis hits, no one has all the answers. Conversation, candid discussion and knowledge sharing with a trusted network of peers is an effective way to navigate change. Your ability to navigate a constantly changing landscape and overcome new challenges can determine your success. Moving forward, it’s likely that the value of your professional network is greater now than ever before.

To view previous posts in this Best Practices for a Powerful Professional Network series, please use the following links:

Lon Hendrickson is the Executive Director of the CCNG Magnet Program.

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