Best Practices For A Powerful Professional Network: Part 8


A strong professional network is a great asset and a powerful tool that can support, expand and sustain your success. But, we should never forget that our network is ultimately a set of relationships, and in the end it’s all about people helping each other. Here are three ways you can put that perspective into action.

Be thoughtful about who is in your network and the best way to connect with them. Quality trumps quantity. Have a purpose and a plan. Be intentional about engaging in valuable networking activities, and ensure your virtual network is populated with people you know and trust. Bigger is not better if it makes it more difficult to sustain meaningful relationships with high-value colleagues and peers.

Benchmarks, research and industry best-practices all help shape strategic decisions. But to be truly valuable, information must be accompanied by insight, perspective and experience. Understanding how information applies in your environment is often best achieved through candid conversation with peers. Where do you go for ideas and answers? Your network is always available … wherever you go and throughout your career. It’s a living knowledge base–a personal advisory board to offer insight and experience.

Be in it for the long term. Let me paraphrase from Michael Simmons. Relationships are more than just strategic chess pieces that help you achieve your goals efficiently. A strong network of professional relationships will last beyond individual deals, transactions, and companies. They are constantly and independently evolving as the people in it grow, and thus compounding value for all. So, take a long term view of the value of your network and reap the rewards throughout your career.

Check back next week for more ways you can build a truly powerful professional network. For a complete list of all 24 best practices you can use this link for a copy of the full white paper. You’ll get a pdf you can save and share, and immediate access to the content online.

To view previous posts in this Best Practices for a Powerful Professional Network series, please use the following links:

Lon Hendrickson is the Executive Director of the CCNG Magnet Program

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