Every month CCNG hosts a members-only Town Hall discussion. These events are led by CCNG members who are on the forefront of their field, often members of our Academy. Topics range from employee engagement and retention to customer connections and harnessing feedback. The topics evolve every year to meet current day challenges whether it is adapting to a hybrid workforce or exploring new technologies. Town Hall is a great place to ask questions and get personal feedback from industry leaders.
Through our slack work space or member directory. If you have a burning question but are not sure who to ask, email your member coordinator Maggie at [email protected] to get connected to the best member.
Our Academy members are trusted and experienced consultants willing to discuss the needs of our membership, and ready to assist with a variety of customer care challenges ranging from virtual training, leadership development, process improvement, technology evaluation/education, and more. Initial conversations with Academy members are offered to CCNG members at no cost, and we stand by the quality of their services offered.
The LinkedIn Group is open to members and non-members and it will be used as a space for sharing interesting articles and blogs. We hope that group members will share their interesting contact-center-related content as well. If you are interested in joining the LinkedIn group, you can find it here and request to join: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/132018/
Yes – the blog is open for all CCNG members to share insights on current topics in the contact center world. New blogs are shared every Wednesday. If you are interested in writing a blog for CCNG, please reach out to our member coordinator Jillian at [email protected].